
【Maintenance Book】

Please check the maintenance book below before contacting us. You will receive necessary information immediately and may deal with it to eliminate the time to inquire us over the phone/Email. 【Maintenance Book】Please keep/ download the document below.↓ maintenance_book Please use this below together as a...

7. Mold/Mildew

How To Prevent-Mold-from-Growing-in-Your-Home 1. Controlling Moisture Keep an eye on the humidity levels. Mold grows where there's moisture, so keeping your house dry is one of the most important ways to prevent mold. Install a hygrometer in your home, as this will measure the moisture levels inside. Ideally, you want to keep the humidity level in your house below 60 percent to prevent mold growth....

6. Prepare for Typhooon

When we are in TC-3(Typhoon Condition-3)Please put away your gear and furniture located outside . (Balcony tables, Chairs. BBQ grill. plants and toys. etc) You can check Typhoon Condition with AFN TV and Radio announcements, Please report to us by email if there are any damages after typhoon, House name Your name What is damage...

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